Making a Difference By Design
One of the key considerations in the development of any sustainable product is how much it reduces the emissions of CO2 , a greenhouse gas, into the environment. Lowering our products’ carbon footprint begins with the initial product design. IBC products are designed from the beginning to be innovative and amongst the most efficient with minimal CO2 impact.
The CO2 Impact Score
The reduced CO2 impact of selecting a high efficiency IBC product instead of a minimal efficiency alternative is reflected in the product’s CO2 impact score. This score provides a simple means of measuring the reduced CO2 emissions compared with a minimal efficiency alternative. CO2 impact scores are internally calculated on a proprietary point system based on a typical product lifetime, by the methodology described/detailed below and does not denote a third party certification /seal. The CO2 Impact Score is also known as the ” Tree Score“.
How Are Trees Related to CO2 ?
When trees grow, the convert CO2 to carbohydrates (sugar). They do this by photosynthesis and this process forms the building blocks of the tree. Choosing an IBC product instead of a minimum efficiency alternative offsets CO2 emissions equivalent to planting this number of trees over the product’s lifetime.
The Carbon Impact Score Tree Icon
Throughout our promotional material you will see the Carbon Impact Score Tree Icon displayed. It will highlight the CO2 benefit of choosing this high efficiency product saving you money, protecting natural resources, making your home a healthy place to live, and – perhaps most importantly – reducing your carbon footprint.
· CO2 impact scores are internally calculated on a proprietary point system based on a typical product lifetime and does not denote a third-party certification /seal. | SOURCE / REASONING |
· Max efficiency is assumed for all units at all times for all Tree score calculations. | · Technical Assumption for theoretical calculation |
· Total environment benefit numbers are achieved by multiplying benefit/yr with Heat-exchanger or Thermal-shock warranty to get total benefit over the course of life of the product. | · It is assumed unit will last as long as the thermal shock or Heat exchanger warranty. |
· Values used for CO2 emitted per million BTUs are 117lb for NAT GAS, 139lb for PROPANE. | · https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=73&t=11 |
· US electrical grid’s average carbon footprint of 270lb/million BTUs is used as electricity carbon footprint. | · https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=74&t |
· Runtime for units is assumed to be: Pool=1600hrs/year, Commercial=2000hrs/year | · Actual runtime for customers will vary based on need and location. |
· All products are compared to their min. efficiency counterparts based on application/use. (Example: HPPH is compared to NAT GAS Pool heater) | · Different applications have different min. efficiencies to be followed as per DOE. |
· For all calculations heaters with same BTU rating (heating capacity) are compared to baseline heaters with min. efficiency as per US regulatory authorities. | · https://www.energy.gov/eere/buildings/standards-and-test-procedures |
· CO2 impact scores (tree Scores) calculated based on lesser CO2 emitted by our products vs CO2 absorbed by trees. (CO2 absorbed over 10years by a new average seedling planted today is 132.27lb) | · https://www.eea.europa.eu/articles/forests-health-and-climate-change |
· Lesser CO2 emitted calculations exclude CO2 footprint of building and recycling the product. | · Tree Score only accounts for CO2 not emitted during operation. |
· CO2 benefit is only applicable for the time for which the higher efficiency product is used by customer. | · When customer stops using the higher efficiency product, there is no future environmental benefit |

"To coincide with our 100-year anniversary in 2025, we have challenged our teams around the world with a commitment to sustainability that's equally momentous - we are designing for zero waste."
-Chris Peel, Rheem President & CEO